Wir Heimatlosen Weltbürger | A new cosmopolitanism for our era
Mai 17, 2019 @ 5:00 pm - 9:30 pm
European elections are approaching: what’s the alternative to nationalism? We take the book presentation of Suhrkamp’s „Wir Heimatlosen Weltbürger“ (Marsili/ Milanese) as a point of departure to launch a debate on the shortcomings of the nation state and on possible transnational alliances after the elections.
The global crisis of our time sees a complex of economic, ecological, technological and migratory challenges that no nation is any longer able to control. The result is an extraordinary provincialisation of our politics with respect to the new planetary powers confronting humanity. We need a new internationalism and a new political and cultural vision to reclaim and liberate our world.
Together with Suhrkamp Verlag, HAU presents the new book „Wir Heimatlosen Weltburger“. The author Lorenzo Marsili discusses the meaning of a new cosmopolitanism for our era with social scientist Naika Foroutan and philosopher and European Parliament candidate Srećko Horvat, moderated by Margarita Tsomou. The event will also see the first public presentation of the new “Hirschmann Group for a future beyond the nation state” by Daphne Büllesbach.
The discussion will be held in English. The event will be followed by a party.
[DEUTSCH] Gemeinsam mit dem Suhrkamp Verlag stellt das HAU das neue Buch “Wir heimatlosen Weltbürger” von Lorenzo Marsili und Niccolò Milanese vor. Darin analysieren sie, wie der Neoliberalismus die Menschen zu ohnmächtigen Bürger*innen macht, die sich nationalistischen Positionen zuwenden. Nur eine transnationale Partei, so die Autoren, kann diese Zwickmühle auflösen. Es diskutieren der Autor Lorenzo Marsili mit dem Philosophen und Europaparlament-Kandidaten Srećko Horvat (DIEM25), Naika Foroutan (Soziologin) und Margarita Tsomou.