Performing RomArchive: Here To Stay / Akathe te Beshen
Januar 24, 2019 @ 7:00 pm - Januar 27, 2019 @ 9:00 pm
Opening: 24.1.2019, 20:00 h
25.–27.1.2019, 11:00–22:00 h
Free admission during the festival.
29.1.–3.2.2019, 11:00–19:00 h
Admission: 6 / 4 €
Here To Stay. Stopping Places / Akathe te Beshen. Atchin Tan
In the frame of opening Festival of RomArchive, Daniel Baker, Gérard Jean Gartner, Manolo Gómez, Gabi Jiménez, Damian Le Bas, Delaine Le Bas, Nihad Nino Pušija, Ceija Stojka, Imrich Tomáš, Alfred Ullrich, Kálmán Várady, George Vasilescu, David Weiss
In cooperation with the Berlin gallery Kai Dikhas an impressive presentation has been created, covering the entire spectrum of contemporary Romani artists: from painting, graphics, and sculpture to video art, and installations. The exhibition’s title refers not only to the European Roma, who are stereotypically portrayed as eternal wanderers, while in reality belonging to their home countries for centuries, but also to the striving contemporary Roma art scene as such.
Curated by Moritz Pankok & Delaine Le Bas
Damian Le Bas, Back to the Future, Safe European Home 1938, 2013
Mixed Media on Map, Photo by Diego Castellano Cano, Sammlung Galerie Kai Dikhas