Lade Veranstaltungen
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My film „Those who remain“ (Mayyel Ya Ghzayyel) will be screened in Al Film festival in Berlin
Fr 13/4/18 | 19:30 | Arsenal KINO
Sat 14/4/18 | 18:00 | Wolf KINO

95′, Documentary
Plot: In a complex geo-political spot in North Lebanon, a few kilometers away from Syria, lives Haykal, a 60 years old Christian farmer who is struggling to stay in his land, amidst all sectarian tensions, fear and hopelessness.

Trailer of the film

ALFILM Event on Facebook:

Those Who Remain page on ALFILM’s website:

So far the film has participated in 25 festivals of which: Dubai film festival, Seattle film festival, Yamagata film festival, Sao Paolo film festival, Miradas Docs, Corsica Docs, Ismailia film festival, Tetouan film festival
and won 5 awards and 2 special mentions